Baby Chick And Duck Pre-Order

Our 2025 Chick Pre-Order is here!

There is a minimum purchase of 3 Baby Chicks and/or 2 Baby Ducks.

Click here for a printable version of our chick order form

* indicates a required field.


Red Cross

$6.99 ea

Good egg producers with a calm demeanor, making them an excellent choice for backyard birds.

79 remaining

95 remaining

90 remaining

89 remaining


Rhode Island Red

$6.99 ea

Heavy bird with great egg production.

31 remaining

86 remaining

62 remaining

76 remaining

88 remaining


White Leghorn

$6.99 ea

High production white egg layer. Known for their feed efficiency and egg production.

75 remaining

81 remaining

85 remaining

91 remaining

87 remaining


Barred Rock

$6.99 ea

Cold hardy bird, great for backyard flocks or small farms.

41 remaining

89 remaining

81 remaining



$7.99 ea

Known as the Easter Egg chicken. Very popular, good disposition.

70 remaining

76 remaining

83 remaining

90 remaining

82 remaining

74 remaining


Buff Orpington

$7.99 ea

Quiet disposition, good setter, old fashioned bird.

26 remaining

34 remaining

37 remaining

22 remaining


Golden-Laced Wyandotte

$7.99 ea

Dependable egg layer, easygoing nature and cold hardy.

March 14th - Sold Out

16 remaining


Silver Laced Wyandottes

$7.99 ea

Beautiful silver bird laced with black.

5 remaining

37 remaining


Speckled Sussex

$7.99 ea

Quiet, friendly brown & black bird with white tipped feathers.

8 remaining

42 remaining

36 remaining


Noir Marans

$8.99 ea

Mostly black bird. Very good layers, egg colors range from copper to chocolate.

57 remaining

79 remaining


Rhode Island Blue

$8.99 ea

Blue, red and black color. Excellent large brown egg layer.

67 remaining

85 remaining


Cuckoo Maran

$8.99 ea

Lays very dark brown eggs. Looks a lot like a Barred Rock.

14 remaining

44 remaining

37 remaining


Olive Eggers

$8.99 ea

Lays dark green eggs. There is a wide variation in color and plumage.

March 7th - Sold Out

87 remaining

77 remaining


Freedom Rangers

$4.49 ea (20+ $3.99 ea)

Straight run. Red feathered docile meat bird. Slow grower, does well free range.

76 remaining

90 remaining


Jumbo White Cornish X Broiler

$4.49 ea (20+ $3.99 ea)

Straight run white bird, fast growing.

19 remaining

190 remaining

70 remaining


Assorted Ducks

$11.99 ea

Hatchery's choice.

15 remaining



$11.99 ea

Look like Mallards, but heavier.

17 remaining


White Pekins

$11.99 ea

All white duck.

21 remaining


Blue Swedish

$11.99 ea

Beautiful ducks, blue coloring with white bib.

15 remaining


Fawn & White Runners

$13.99 ea

Fawn and white colors, slender upright duck.

11 remaining

It is very important for anyone handling any type of bird or animal to wash their hands thoroughly before preparing food or putting hands in their mouth.
It is especially important that children understand the necessity of this sanitary procedure when they are handling poultry or their pets.
Therer is a 90% accuracy as to the sex of the chicks. It is difficult to sex day old chicks, so there is a 10% chance your chick will NOT grow up to be the hen that you ordered.
The term "straight run" (*S/R) means that the chicks have not been sexed at all. The term "pullet" means the chick will grow to be an egg laying chicken.
All pullet chicks are vaccinated for Marek's.
Unfortunately, sometimes hatchery failures occur. Please be flexible with us as we try our best to exceed your expecktations.
Pricing subject to change on price per bird due to increased feed costs and/or increased age.

Please bring your own boxes for transportation.

Check out our selection of poultry supplies here!

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