17 Week Pullet, Baby Turkey, and Baby Guinea Keet Pre-Order

Our 2025 Poultry Pre-order is here!


1) Fill in this online form, call us, or stop in to order your desired quantities of poultry.
2) Await an email on your selected ship date saying your poultry are in.
3) Visit our store to pick up your poultry, along with any supplies you may need.
If you need to use boxes supplied by Benedict's, you may incur an extra fee.

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* indicates a required field.

red cross hen

Red Cross Trimmed Beak

$18.99 ea (25+ $17.99ea)(50+ $16.99ea)(100+ $15.99ea)

Price increase of $0.25 per week starting at 18 weeks old.

$2 Deposit per bird required for orders of 50 or more birds

Excellent brown egg layer. Ready to lay in 4-5 weeks!
Trimmed beaked and fully tested and vaccinated (including salmonella).

832 remaining

990 remaining

990 remaining


Azur Blue Egg Layer

$24.99 ea (25+ $23.99ea)(50+ $22.99ea)

Price increase of $0.25 per week starting at 18 weeks old.

$2 Deposit per bird required for orders of 50 or more birds

A robust and docile breed, the Azur lays a distinct blue colored egg with a very strong shell and is a unique silver white breed to incorporate into any flock! Fully vaccinated.

1053 remaining

white turkey

Large Broad White Turkeys

$9.99 ea (10+ $9.49 ea)(50+ $8.99 ea)

$2 Deposit per bird required for orders of 50 or more birds

Day old (straight run only). Excellent meat turkey.

45 remaining

60 remaining

88 remaining

90 remaining

45 remaining

bronze turkey

Giant Bronze Turkeys

$13.99 ea (6+ $12.99 ea)

$2 Deposit per bird required for orders of 50 or more birds

Day old (straight run only). Old fashioned bronze color.

43 remaining

heritage turkey

Artisan Gold Turkeys

$13.99 ea (6+ $12.99ea)

Day old (straight run only). A heritage breed that is small in size and a slow grower. Has black feathers and legs. These birds thrive in a free range environment.

33 remaining

guinea keet

French Guinea Keets

$5.99 ea (10+ $5.49 ea)

$2 Deposit per bird required for orders of 50 or more birds

Day old (straight run only). Interesting birds that eat lots of ticks.

126 remaining

NOTE FOR TURKEYS: Keep turkeys at 95 degrees the first 7-10 days. Then lower the temperature 5 degrees each week until no more heat is needed. Keep the turkeys dry and feed high protein feed.

NOTE FOR FRENCH GUINEA KEETS: Raise like turkeys but DO NOT give any type of medication or medicated feed. Give only warm water to keets on arrival. (NEVER give cold water or coarse feed to young keets). The French keets grow twice as fast and are two pounds heavier than the common guinea fowl.

It is very important for anyone handling any type of bird or animal to wash their hands thoroughly before preparing food or putting hands in their mouth.
It is especially important that children understand the necessity of this sanitary procedure when they are handling poultry or their pets.
Pricing subject to change on price per bird due to increased feed costs and/or increased age.


Check out our selection of poultry supplies here!

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